How Can You Help Your Loved One Recover After a Tooth Extraction?

Caregiver in Reston VA

Tooth extraction is a relatively common procedure of adulthood. While permanent teeth are meant to be just that, permanent, there are many reasons why your elderly adult might have to undergo such a removal. Their tooth might become damaged due to injury or trauma, they might experience an abscess or other form of infection, or they might experience decay that could Caregiver-in-Reston-VAdevelop into an infection if not managed properly. When this happens, the dentist will remove the tooth to allow the body to heal more efficiently. Helping your loved one to recover from this type of procedure will help them to avoid infection and other potential complications so that they can keep their mouth healthier as they move forward.


Use these tips to help your aging parent recover after a tooth extraction:

  • Apply pressure. The dentist will likely provide your aging loved one with pieces of gauze after the procedure. Encourage them to gently but firmly apply pressure to the procedure site with this gauze. This will help to stop any bleeding any promote healing in the tissue.
  • Limit activity. Though it seems like a small procedure, getting a tooth removed can be very stressful for the body, and if your parent tries to do too much they might exacerbate bleeding, increase risk of infection, and cause other issues. Encourage them to relax and limit activity for at least two days following the procedure.
  • Avoid straws. Do not permit your parent to drink from a straw for at least 24 hours after the extraction. The suction could dislodge the clot that forms in the socket and damage the healing process.
  • Wait to rinse. Your parent might want to rinse their mouth after getting a tooth pulled, but do not let them. They should not rinse for at least 24 hours to ensure that a clot forms in the socket.
  • Start soft. Start with soft foods such as applesauce and smoothies the day that your parent undergoes the extraction and the next day. Gradually add in firmer foods as the site allows until it has healed completely.


If your aging loved one will be undergoing tooth extraction soon or has recently faced extensive dental work, starting elder care for them may be the ideal way for you to help them through their recovery period and forward into a lifestyle that is healthier, safer, and more comfortable. The personalized services of an elderly home care services provider can enable your aging loved one to manage the guidelines presented to them by their dentist for their recovery period, including remaining compliant with any antibiotics, pain killers, or other medications that they might need to help them through. Once your parent has fully recovered, the care provider can help your loved one understand how better to care for their mouth and make these care tasks part of their regular routine so that they can avoid potentially serious issues in the future.


If you or an aging loved one are considering caregiver services in Reston, VA, call the caring staff at Medical Professionals On Call today. 703-273-8818



Michelle DeFilippis