Supporting a Loved One with Dementia

Elderly Care in Reston VA

Dementia is a set of symptoms that include loss of memory and reasoning with behavioral changes that are sufficient enough as to interfere with daily functioning.  The most common disease Elderly-Care-in-Reston-VAassociated with dementia is Alzheimer’s. It is a progressive disease that affects everyone differently. Keeping a positive outlook as your loved one progresses through this disease will be trying at times, but well worth the effort. Your support in a positive light will make all the difference to someone who is going through the stages of dementia. “Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. It is far better to take things as they come along with patience and equanimity.”—Carl Jung.


Become a Part of Their World

Your parent may live in a world far different than yours. In your world, they are a retired teacher whose mother passed away two decades ago. In their world, they are a best-selling novelist who just returned from a luncheon date accompanied by their mother. You may want to try and convince them of reality as you see it, but it really is best to accept theirs. You may find them frantically typing away at the computer at two in the morning in order to complete a deadline. This is a far better situation than finding your parent staring listlessly at the walls. Find the humor and keep on keepin’ on.


Keep it Light

So, you just found your parent’s reading glasses in the freezer. Outside of the time it took to find them, which may have been several hours, is it really a life-changing event? This time of life requires a close scrutiny as to what constitutes a crisis and what can be laughed off and taken lightly. A perfect bumper sticker to consider: “Angels can fly because they can take themselves lightly.”—G.K. Chesterton



The ways and means of communicating will change. You may find your loved one searching for words or losing the thread of a conversation in the midst of speaking. It’s okay. Helping your loved one overcome frustration when dementia disrupts their thinking process will help them remain on an even keel, an important aspect to caring for a loved one with this disease. Limit questions. If you find you need to ask one, consider one that requires a simple response such as yes or no.


Elderly Care Provider

You will need time to recharge in order to keep an upbeat attitude. An elderly care provider can be your eyes and caring hands when you need some time to yourself or with other friends and family members. They can assist with the daily activities of living as well as provide that all-important companionship so essential to your parent’s happiness. Elderly care providers have cared for countless seniors facing this same situation, leaving you confident that your parent is in good hands so that you can truly let go and relax.

If you or an aging loved one are considering elderly care in Reston, VA, call the caring staff at Medical Professionals On Call today. 703-273-8818

Michelle DeFilippis