Does Your Parent Need Live-In Care or Night Care?
Caregiver in Falls Church VA: Being a family caregiver means making decisions for your elderly loved-one that will help them to address their individual needs, challenges, and limitations and maintain the best quality of life possible as they age in place. One of these decisions is what type of care arrangement is right for them.
Read MoreHome Care – Food Allergies in the Elderly
Elder Care in Fairfax VA: Although this sounds bizarre, it is not uncommon for adults to find out at a later age that they are suddenly allergic to something that they weren’t allergic to when they were a child. This is called adult-onset allergies, and it is particularly prevalent in senior citizens.
Read MoreCaregiver Tips – How to Make Bathing Easier for Elderly Parents (and Less Awkward)
Home Care Services in Vienna, VA: As a caregiver, you may feel happy and proud to be able to help the parent who did so much to help you become the person you are today, and you might feel a bit sad that they have lost their independence, and their health is on the decline. You might also feel slightly embarrassed, because now you have to help them with things that are normally private, like bathing.
Read MoreSenior Care – Hobbies to Fight Depression
Home Care Services in Fairfax VA: Depression and anxiety were once thought to be something that goes away as one ages. Recent studies have proven that depression is just as common in the elderly as it is in other adults. There are many ways to lessen mild depression, and one of these ways is to have a hobby.
Read MoreTips for Packing for Vacation with Your Senior
Elder Care in Vienna VA: Planning a summertime getaway with your elderly loved one can be an exceptional way to help boost their mental and emotional health, support a stronger relationship with the different generations of the family, and create memories together that you can cherish well into the future.
Read MoreHow’s the Air Quality at Your Elderly Loved One’s Home?
Home Care in Fairfax VA: Indoor air pollution has gotten some attention in recent years as researchers take a look at how air quality affects people, especially the elderly.
Read More7 Tips for Managing Celiac Disease in the Elderly
Elderly Care in Springfield VA: Celiac disease can appear suddenly in seniors, despite a lifelong tolerance to gluten. If your aging loved one is experiencing gastrointestinal issues, their doctor may do some blood tests and determine that they have developed celiac disease.
Read MoreHow to Support Your Aging Loved One’s Love of Books
Caregiver in Fairfax VA: No matter what someone’s age is, feeding the mind is just as important as feeding the body. Books are an affordable and interesting hobby for the elderly, and all the different genres can entertain like nothing else.
Read MoreWhat are the Signs and Symptoms of Skin Cancer?
Senior Care in Reston VA: June is Cancer from the Sun Month. This is the ideal opportunity for you as a family caregiver to learn more about skin cancer and the risk that your aging parent faces when it comes to exposure to the sun.
Read MoreWhat Can Help an Elderly Loved One Who Wants to Stay Independent?
Elder Care in Springfield VA: If your elderly loved one is focused primarily on maintaining her independence, she may be fighting you on the help you’re trying to provide as her caregiver. Here are some ways you can help her to stay as independent as possible.
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